UFS is public power’s premier provider of cost of service studies, unbundling studies, competitive rate designs, financial projects, and special financial analysis. UFS presents an independent assessment of a community-owned utility’s financial condition, applying rate setting trends and strategies from across the nation and helping the utility integrate distributed energy resources and restructuring rates for electric vehicles, solar valuation, and fixed and variable cost recovery.
Navigate complex financial challenges with an established partner that understands the utility world. Utility Financial Solutions, LLC (UFS) helps electric, water, wastewater, telecommunications, gas, and solid waste utilities with independent financial planning, cost of service studies, and rate design services.
UFS provides an independent assessment of a community-owned utility’s financial condition. They apply rate setting techniques and strategies from across the nation and help the utilities integrate distributed energy resources and restructure rates for electric vehicles, solar valuation, and fixed and variable cost recovery.
UFS knows their clients have goals, and they help them get there. Their experts know how to listen and understand their client’s goals before the work even begins, ensuring they can provide them with the most effective solutions to suit their needs.
UFS’s experts will help ensure that their client’s rates recover costs by equitably allocating revenue requirements among various customer classes and defining an optimal rate structure.
Financial Planning
UFS plans for the future with short and long-term insights into their client’s finances with specialized financial planning and development of key financial targets.
Rate Design
UFS’s experts will design rates for each class of service to help meet the utility’s revenue needs and any other rate design goals and objectives they have.
Leaders in Utility Finance
Utility Financial Solutions, LLC is a team of driven professionals with expertise in all areas of utility finance and consulting. Their team members are recognized instructors and speakers at seminars, classes and conferences for the nation’s top utility agencies and professional associations, including the APPA, AWWA, and AGA. Their specialized team of accountants, engineers, and economists have years of industry-specific expertise to help ensure clients reach their goals. Meet the Team.
Direction For A New Age In Energy
UFS explains how electrification can improve utility margins and lower customer costs.
Finance Fundamentals are Key to COVID Recovery
Utility Financial Solutions LLC explains how to structure utility financial plans after the pandemic.