Hometown Connections, Inc. has released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the acquisition of an additional advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) solution and/or meter data management system (MDMS) to add to our suite of products and services and provide expanded options to public power utilities. Hometown envisions that a community-owned utility or joint action agency may choose either our existing turnkey managed AMI solution or a new managed solution resulting from this RFP.
Proposal Deadline Extended to April 24, 2020.
Paper Copies No longer Required.
Electronic Signature Acceptable. Witness to Signature Waived.
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, Hometown Connections has extended the submission deadline. Proposals are due by 4:00 PM MDT, Friday, April 24, 2020.
Furthermore, four paper copies of proposals are no longer required. Electronic submission is sufficient.
In addition, Hometown Connections will accept an electronic signature on the Attestation/Signature page and the requirement for a Witness to the Signature is waived.
To obtain the original Hometown Connections AMI Solution Request for Proposal, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain original Exhibit A Requirements Matrix, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain REVISED Exhibit B Pricing Spreadsheet, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain RFP Addendum No. 1, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain RFP Addendum No. 2, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain RFP Addendum No. 3, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain RFPAddendum No. 4, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain RFP Addendum No. 5, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain RFP Addendum No. 6, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain RFP Addendum No. 7, DOWNLOAD HERE.
To obtain RFP Addendum No. 8, DOWNLOAD HERE.
Clarification to Addendum No. 8
HCI assumes there could be over 100,000 endpoints of possible subscription. We have asked bidders to give us pricing for a 15,000 endpoint example municipality to use for comparison.
Seeking Scalable Hosted AMI for Public Power Utilities and Joint Action Agencies
Hometown Connections is seeking to provide a hosted AMI solution compromised of meters, network equipment, and an AMI Headend. Hometown will also consider MDMS-only and meter-only responses. Hometown envisions hosting the offering in our facilities but will consider alternatives.
The primary objective is for Hometown Connections to partner with qualified vendors to host a turnkey managed solution that can accommodate a scalable number of utilities through either the deployment of a single multitenant AMI network or the deployment of several networks with or without an MDMS, with hosting and support to cover a period of 10 years. For public power utilities that already have AMI deployed, Hometown envisions offering an MDMS in addition.
Hometown is seeking a system that is scalable from several thousand meters to over 1 million end-points, with expansion into Smart City applications that include, but are not limited to, smart lighting, electric vehicles, distributed and micro generation, load control management and Demand Response, Distribution Automation, home area network (HAN) devices, Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR), pay-as-you-go/prepay, and more.
The goal of Hometown Connections is to help community-owned public power utilities modernize their meter reading and data management operations and to create an infrastructure that will meet the needs of a changing industry.
For more information, send an email to Susan Ryba, sryba@hometownconnections.com.